Fellow Notion Nerds + ADHDers… behold my 2023 Notion Goal Planner template has landed! Whether you have ADHD or not,
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Managing ADHD
My ADHD Success Story – How Life Looks, Post Diagnosis
We all love a good ADHD success story, right?
Well, today I’m sharing my own stories of success, and more
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ADHD Hot Tip 🔥 More Intention = Less Chaos ✌
Living Intentionally Means Skipping the Cringy Decisions
Oooff.... that meme is painfully true, isn't it?
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ADHD Productivity – You’re thinking about it all wrong
If you're thinking that ADHD productivity struggles can be solved with the right planner or system, then you're probably
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Follow Through With ADHD – How to STOP Quitting What You Start
If you are somebody who starts things but fails to follow through much of the time, then first of all, welcome to that
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ADHD Intuition – An Untapped Superpower?
ADHD and intuition together can create a powerhouse skill for busy brains who crave more clarity and presence in their
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Multipotentialite or ADHD? How to Manage Your Many Interests
Are somebody who tends to get really enamored with hobbies or interests and then you drop it like a hot potato and move
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Is Perfectionist Anxiety Stopping you From Getting Started?
Perfectionist anxiety feeds our fears and stops us from getting started and following through on the things we really
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5 ADHD Strengths You Never Knew You Had
In this post, I share the 5 ADHD strengths I see in my clients, and every ADHD person I meet. If, you have ADHD, I hope
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