Y'all, if you have ever noticed that you tend to dominate conversations or you walk away from a conversation feeling like, "Oh my gosh, I completely overshared," and then have that overshare
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Planning // Productivity
Procrastination Planning Is Getting You Nowhere
If you're feeling called out by the title of this post, you're in the right place. Let's dive into why you procrastinate
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4 years of ADHD procrastination on a simple project – over
If you're currently staring at a task you need to do (or really want to do) but just can't seem to start, you're in the
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Breaking Free from Toxic Productivity: An ADHD Perspective
As an ADHD coach who was diagnosed later in life, I've spent years grappling with the concept of productivity. Like many
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Mid-Year Review Process: A Personal Guide to Reset and Recharge
As time seems to speed up with every passing year, it's crucial to pause, take stock of where we are, and reflect on
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The Real Reason You’re Overwhelmed with ADHD
ADHD adults are prone to feelings of overwhelm and often feel like everyone is moving forward, while they can't seem to
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ADHD Adults: are you just waiting to fail?
Hello, everyone! I often find myself nudged by intuition to share an idea, because someone out there needs to hear it.
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How to Motivate Yourself (when you have ADHD)
Hey y'all! If you're anything like me, you probably struggle with getting things done and motivating yourself to do
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Master Your Focus: Tips for Avoiding ADHD Distraction
I know can be a big challenge for many of us - no matter our age. ADHD impulsivity and distractibility are the two big
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ADHD Planning Tips: How I plan my week for success
Hey there! Today I'm excited to share my personal process for weekly planning that I've developed over the past 3 years.
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