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Hey guys!
Today I want to share the takeaway that has caused a major shift for me this year. I have to admit, it was learned the very long and hard way. Ready?
Apparently, you have to love and radically approve of yourself and the work you do in this world before success will ever find you.
That might sound captain obvious to you, but for me? I thought it was just blah blah words. Something you’d read scrolling Instagram post.
Personally, I struggle with woo-woo stuff. But despite my apprehensions, I’ve invested in working with a life coach because truth be told, what I’m currently doing isn’t working for me. Not very inspirational, I know, but it’s the truth and I want to share how I’m dealing with it, rather than wallowing in it.
So far, the most valuable insight I’ve come to understand is that my alignment and my attitude towards my work has been holding me back. My coach has shown me where I’m playing small and feeling slightly embarrassed about my creative work. No wonder my business has responded like a timid, unloved child.
That might not be obvious to you through social media or here on the blog, but behind the scenes, it’s clear to me now, how I’ve been stifling my own growth.
So in 2019, I will let go of fears that hold me back so I can be the best version of myself.
In fact, 2019 is going to be a year of letting go in more ways than one. As you may know, I started a simplicity journey back in 2017 and it seems the more I let go of, the richer my life becomes. Case in point, I wouldn’t have had the funds to invest in a coach if I didn’t do the work to cut out other things that just weren’t serving me.
A Year of Simplicity.
If you’re interested in simplifying your life so that you have more space, time and resources to work on yourself, then have a look at the year-long program that Courtney Carver hosts every year. She’s such an incredible inspiration and I love her approach to simple living. What I know for sure is that so much of living a healthy lifestyle comes down to understanding yourself, what you value and aligning to it.
Love you guys!
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