I know that investing in your 401K or RRSP doesn't sound exciting or even remotely interesting. If you hate your work,
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ADHD Time + Energy
We have three precious resources in this life - time, energy and money. Money comes and goes, but your time and energy are precious. Spend them wisely because you can't buy back time and energy to do the things you want to do in this life is everything.
Retiring in Your Forties – It’s Possible, Only Let’s Call It Something Else
Here's the thing about Retirement - it has a stigma attached to it. It conjures up images of an
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8 Productivity Tools That Have Leveled Up my Freelance Game
Last year I left a full-time corporate job to freelance full time. These are the tools I use to optimize my time,
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Emotion Vs Logic: How we really buy cars (and please weigh in on my car choices)
My car lease is up in exactly 18 days and I have no idea what I'm going to do.
First off, yes, I leased a
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How much of what you spend money on has value in 10 years?
This afternoon, while I was listening to a personal finance audiobook (dork, I know) I was challenged to consider how
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Why You Don’t Want to Buy That Vacation Home.
In the past, my husband and I owned a beautiful 3 bed, 3 bath lake house, 2 hours outside of LA. For the first couple of
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The Minimalist Approach to Workaholism
This is a personal post about something I’m struggling with now. I’m sharing it because I bet I’m not the only who might
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Follow Your Passion – Inspiring words, but bad career advice.
I'm not sure the first time I heard that expression, but I know where it led me. I was in Rishikesh, India, sitting on
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9 Happiness Killers to Quit or Ditch
When was the last time you let something go? Think about it, you accumulate new experiences, habits, responsibilities,
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