Minimalism has been on my mind for some time now, but only recently have I taken any action to get there. Unlike some
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The Minimalist Approach to Workaholism
This is a personal post about something I’m struggling with now. I’m sharing it because I bet I’m not the only who might
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Follow Your Passion – Inspiring words, but bad career advice.
I'm not sure the first time I heard that expression, but I know where it led me. I was in Rishikesh, India, sitting on
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9 Happiness Killers to Quit or Ditch
When was the last time you let something go? Think about it, you accumulate new experiences, habits, responsibilities,
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Would you rather have more work from home days or a 10K raise?
As far as I know, my boss isn't chomping at the bit to give me a 10K raise or more work from home (WFH) days, but given
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Adventures in Minimalism (there’s no turning back).
This is not my first minimalist rodeo. I went on a “stuff binge” after Marie Kondoizing my house last year. Actually, it
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Once you’ve bought it, it’s your problem
Lately I’ve been trying to unload “stuff” I don’t use. Most of it has gone to Goodwill, but there are other things that
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Dave Ramsey – Financial advice with a side of Jesus?
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In my quest for seeking out money mentors, I naturally checked out Dave because
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ADHD Money – Think of your money like this
I read this on a Mr Money Mustache post and I thought it was so clever: think of your dollars as little employees
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