My car lease is up in exactly 18 days and I have no idea what I'm going to do.
First off, yes, I leased a
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Our Path to Financial Independence (and our Life Plans Once We Get There)
The other day I came across a blog post by She Picks Up Pennies, inspired by Our Next Life and Think Save
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3 simple rules to fix a mindless shopping habit.
The other day I was in the city to meet a friend for dinner. I was early, so I popped into Athleta to kill some time
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Smart Spending Strategies for Makeup + Hair Care Products
As an aspiring minimalist, my make up drawer is a total #fail, but truth be told, I don’t care. When it comes to
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A Minimalist Valentines Day: How to Celebrate Your Love Without Buying Crap <3
Here’s an interesting tidbit…the original Valentine’s Day tradition (which was actually the 15th of Feb) was inspired by
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Marriage & Money: How to Set Your Spouse on FIRE
Once again, I’m not talking about pyromania here, but rather the concept of F.I.R.E. (financial independence to retire
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Light Yourself On F.I.R.E. This Year (Financial Independence + Retire Early)
Nope, not talking about pyromania. I’m referring to F.I.R.E., which is an acronym for, you guessed it… financial
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Overcoming Your Emotional Attachment to Stuff.
You know those things you have in your house that you never use, but can't seem to part with?
Yep, those things.
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Process as Art: Storytelling that’s valuable and relatable.
I just listened to James Altucher interview Gary V this morning. I don’t often follow Gary, mostly because I find his
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